Hi! This is Blackbob's page!

People keep getting in the way when I am taking pictures, so this is the best I could do.

My name is Blackbob1127 and I AM A NON MEMBER AND I AM PROUD. I love football and clubpenguin (no duh). I am always looking up new cheats for clubpenguin and use them all the time. Larry 4 is my cousin and Freddy318 is my sister. (Yes, for real.) I am on pretty much any server, I dont have a favorite one but I like empty servers. So if you see me on clubpenguin, say hi and tell me what you think of the website. I have my own website, its www.blackbob1127cheats.weebly.com (I guess I should give credit to Larry 4's brother, (my cousin) for helping me create Blackbob1127.)