Read about each puffle so you can choose the right one. But only two puffles are available to all non members, which are the blue and red puffles. Each puffle costs 800 dollars and makes sure you can take care of your puffle. They need a lot of attention or they will run away.

Blue Puffle:
The blue puffle is loyal and easy to take care of. He is mild-tempered, is content and loves to play with a ball.
Red Puffle:
The red puffle was originally found on from Rockhoppers island. He is very adventurous and enthusiastic. He loves to play with bowling pins and the cannon when he is really happy.
Pink Puffle:
She loves to exercise a lot! She is very active and happy, when she is active she loves to jump on her trampoline. When she is happy she loves to jump rope.
Black Puffle:
Sometimes he can be energetic. He is very strong and silent. He loves to skateboard around.
Green Puffle:
He loves to clown around and be the funny guy. He loves to be energetic and playful. He okays with his unicycle and propeller cap!
Purple Puffle:
She loves to dance around. She can be a bit of a diva sometimes and a picky eater always needs salt on things. She likes to play with her bubble wand and do the disco!
Yellow Puffle:
Hes like a little artist that loves to create and dream. He is very spontaneous and artsy. He likes to play with his easel and paintbrush!